The College/Campuses reserve the right to:
• Only offer courses/programmes that are justified by student numbers
• Change the location/venue of programme offering and/or cancel
the programmes
1 Duties and Responsibilities of the Academic Board
The Academic Board of the College is responsible for developing new policies, introduce new programmes, etc. after analysing reports regarding
• statistics and trends per Campus/Unit (academic performance and final enrolment figures all programmes) monitoring of teaching and learning (reports on class visits, monitoring of portfolios (lecturers and students), conditions of venues (classrooms, workshops/kitchens, simulation rooms), methodology, lesson delivery and classroom management
• implementation of policies (assessments: number of assessments completed and quality/standard of assessments)
• attendance of lecturers and students
• academic support with specific reference to utilisation and impact of academic support programmes
• approval of new learning programmes (requests, recommendations for new programmes, phasing out of programmes and research for final recommendations to approve new occupational programmes
• accreditation status of programmes
• student matters (Code of Conduct, revision and updates on Code of Conduct, SRC matters, induction progress and financial aid status [provide statistics on bursaries])
• quality assurance (academic monitoring, quality promotion mechanisms and Quality Management System and/or audit reports)
The Academic Board is accountable to the Council for
• the academic functions of the college and the promotion of the participation of women and the disabled in the learning programmes
• establishing internal academic monitoring and quality promotion mechanisms;
• ensuring that the requirements of accreditation to provide learning against standards and qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are met; and
• performing such other functions as may be delegated or assigned to it by the Council
Subject to the approval of the Council and to any applicable policy, the Academic Board determines the learning programmes that are offered at the College.
The Academic Board submits to the Council -
• such reports upon its work as may be required by the Council
• recommendations on matters referred to it by the Council; and
• recommendations on any other matter affecting the College that the Academic Board considers useful
2 Termination of membership of Academic Board
Members of the Academic Board must participate in the deliberations of the Academic Board in the best interest of the College. Failure to act in the best interest of the College or behaviour that brings the College into disrepute may result in the removal of a member from the Academic Board by the Council following due process.
3 Term of office of members of Academic Board
Members appointed in terms of Section 11(3) of the CET Act No 16 of 2006 may hold office for as long as they are employed by the college in that capacity.
The term of office for student members automatically lapses when a student ceases to be a registered student or a member of the SRC.