The College/Campuses reserve the right to:
• Only offer courses/programmes that are justified by student numbers
• Change the location/venue of programme offering and/or cancel
the programmes
1. Introduction
The Department of Higher Education and Training recognizes the positive correlation between class attendance and both student retention and achievement. Any class session or activity missed, regardless of cause, reduces the opportunity for learning and may adversely affect a student’s achievement in the course.
Levels of attendance have a direct impact on the success of our students. Students are more likely to complete and achieve their qualification if they attend classes regularly. Students who arrive late have an impact not just on their own learning but also on the progress of the rest of the class. Similarly, employers set high expectations of attendance and punctuality in the workplace.
The Department therefore expects public Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges to set and enforce, and our students to comply with high levels of attendance and punctuality to improve students’ chances for success and prepare them for the professional culture of the workplace.
2. Principles
• The expectation is for students to be 100% ‘present’ at all scheduled classes. The focus is on ‘presence’ rather than absence.
• Students should know their own attendance levels and the regular review and reporting of attendance must be part of the student
monitoring process. The measure of attendance will be ‘present’.
• To reduce the amount of time students are not in class, either from sickness or other reasons, there will be regular and consistent
processes put in place by college management to monitor, follow up and report on attendance.
• Students will be expected to explain in person the reason for their absence and the authorisation of absences will be limited to specific situations.
• There will be clear consequences for students whose attendance falls below agreed levels.